Catching up with Victor
What is your history of refereeing?
I have been refereeing for 8 years. Attended a Grade 8 Entry Level referee class in 2009 offered by the Hayward Youth Soccer League.
We heard you recently received a higher referee designation! Tell us more about that.
To become proficient in the refereeing career and to effectively perform your duties as a United States Soccer Referee, you are required to continuously act professionally both on and off the field of play, develop your skills using the wealth of resources provided which includes, but is not limited to, performing yearly Fitness tests, attending In-class and Field Training sessions, studying and understanding the FIFA Laws Of The Game and keeping up-to-date with any changes and modifications thereof; learning from mentors, performing self-assessments of your games, and requesting game evaluations through coaching and formal assessments. I am currently a State Grade 6 referee and working on upgrading to a State Grade 5 status which will offer me the opportunity to officiate in higher level USSF matches.
Were you a soccer player yourself? Any other sports?
Yes, I still play soccer but not as actively as I used to because I devote much of that time to fulfilling my officiating soccer games assignments. In my spare time, I also play basketball and volleyball.
When you aren't working or reffing, what do your days look like?
I spend time with my family. This is very important to me.