In an effort to continue improving the league and making modifications where appropriate, BAASL welcomes any and all feedback about any aspect of the league. Please submit your feedback in the following text box. Feedback may also be submitted via email to info@baasl.org. Comments regarding game officiation should be made in the Ref. Eval. section at the bottom of this page. Thank you!


Please submit any and all feedback about your experience with game officiants. We especially love to hear positive comments that we can pass along to the game official!

Seven FIFA reasons to issue a yellow card:

1) dissent by word or actions, 2) persistently breaking the rules, 3) delaying the restart of play, 4) defenders failing to stay the proper distance away from the kicker on a corner kick, free kick or throw-in, 5) entering or re-entering the field without the referee's permission, 6) deliberately leaving the field without the referees permission, and 7) unsporting behavior [such as hard fouls, holding an opponent, deliberately handling the ball faking an injury, harassment, jumping in front of a corner kick, free kick or throw-in, trying to prevent goalkeeper from putting the ball into play, climbing on or holding a player, any action designed to deceive the Referee, and behavior which in the referee's judgment is unsporting or causes an unfair advantage].

Seven FIFA reasons to issue a red card:

1) serious foul play, 2) violent conduct, 3) spitting at anyone, 4) deliberately touching the ball with a hand in order to prevent a goal or to deny an obvious goal scoring opportunity, 5) fouling an opponent to prevent an obvious goal scoring opportunity, 6) using offensive, insulting or threatening language and/or gestures, and 7) receiving a second yellow card in one game.