Hello 11v11 BAASL Players!

Welcome to fall season 11v11 soccer! This season we are welcoming new teams Racing Club and Smells Like Team Spirit! Please help us welcome them warmly. As of the team lineups now, it appears that we will have one division for the season with 8 teams. We will not have games scheduled on Sept. 1st. The full season schedule will be up by week 2. For roster check-ins with referees, all players should make sure they have a headshot photo posted to their online profile. Captains should ensure that all “pending invites” have been accepted by the player and that all players show up on your current roster. Remember that female players are allowed to play with more than one team so long as they appear to one team roster that day. Shinguards are required and no jewelry is allowed, including watches. Please also be sure to read all of the information below so you’re well informed throughout the season. Looking forward to seeing you all very soon!

BAASL Admins.



  • Information for all free agent players has been sent to all team captains in this league. If you are a free agent and have not been officially moved to a team roster or have not been contacted by a team captain via email, phone or the Leagueapps invite system, you have not yet been assigned to a team.

  • Please review our free agent process here.


  • The first game schedule is typically available within one week of the league starting date, and the full season schedule is typically posted by week 2. To access the game schedule, at the top of this page click “Schedule & Standings” and find the link to your 11v11 league.

  • There are 2 versions of the game schedule. The official master schedule is the “Mysoccerleague” version accessible by using the above “Schedule and Standings” link. The alternate version of the schedule is seen within your Leagueapps player profile and is programmed to email you a game reminder with field location and game time 2 days prior to your match. The Mysoccerleague schedule supersedes the Leagueapps schedule and should be defaulted to under all circumstances.

  • The season schedule will be posted to both “Mysoccerleague” and “Leagueapps” online schedules.

  • Possible game times are as follows: 1pm, 3pm, 5pm and 7pm.  The game schedule is subject to change.

  • All matches are 90-minutes long, two 45-minute halves.

  • For the 1pm games, players should avoid stepping onto any part of the turf/grass prior to the start of the game in order to avoid encroaching on other permitted groups’ field time.

  • Please remember to collect all trash and belongings.


Berkeley Gilman/Tom Bates Sports Complex* (artificial turf)

400 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA 94720

Gabe Catalfo Fields East/West @ Harrison Park (grass)

1100 Fourth St, Berkeley, CA 94710

Rainout Hotline for Gabe’s grass fields: (510) 981-5161

Note: Parking is CONGESTED at both Tom Bates & Gabe’s. Please plan travel accordingly.




BAASL follows FIFA Laws with some modifications to adapt to BAASL game conditions. Many of these league-specific modifications were made by a large pool of team captains during past BAASL captains’ meetings. Please note that IFAB added modifications to the rules in 2021. A summary of key points follows and a link to the complete rules is available in the last bullet or by clicking the Rules & Forms link at the top of this page.

·       Division winners receive a team trophy and individual medals for each player.

·       Please wear jerseys or same-colored shirts with identifying numbers on the back. Players must have a designated number for the season. If there is a jersey color conflict, the HOME team is required to change. Always bring a back up color. Teams made up of free agents have a one-season exception from this requirement but still need to have the same color shirt with a number on the back. 

·       Shinguards, long socks and cleats or appropriate athletic shoes are required at all times.

·       Teams must check-in with the referee prior to the game with the team roster, accessible via your Leagueapps player profile. All team players must be officially registered and appear on the current team roster including a clear headshot photo and jersey number. Guest players are not allowed. 

·       Substitutions are unlimited but require referee permission and must enter the field from the midfield line along the touch line, after the exiting player has cleared the field.

·       Yellow Card Time-Outs (“Sin Bins”) are observed for 5 minutes. No substitutes allowed during Sin Bins. The team must play short.

·       Red Cards require a minimum one-game suspension or more depending on the severity of the infraction.  Red cards for Abusive & Offensive Language towards game officials typically carry a minimum 2-game suspension.  More than one Red Card in any BAASL league is subject to review for suspension/expulsion. 

·       Off-sides Rule is in full force and effect.

·       No pets are allowed at the sports complex except dogs that are classified as service animals due to a disability.

·       Only water is allowed on the turf (no sugary drinks, snacks, sunflower seeds, etc).

·       Forfeits: A forfeit not notified in writing to the league at least 24 hours in advance results in a loss of the team’s forfeit deposit and a one-point deduction in standings.  Furthermore, in the men’s league, a second forfeit or forfeit of a playoff match results in the same.

·       Coed Leagues Only:  Designated Players (“DP”) - Minimum 5 females required on the field at all times. No more than 6 men may be on the field at any time with the exception of up to 1 male 44 years old or older taking the place of a female player. One female may be substituted by a male player age 44+.  At least one female player must be on the field to avoid a forfeit. A game is not forfeited if the only female player is injured during the course of the match. Possible scenarios:  

Option #1 - Five females or more on the field
Option #2 - Four females on the field, plus 1 male age 44 or over
Option #3 - Three females on the field, plus 1 male age 44+, and team plays short one player
Option #4 - Two females on the field, plus 1 male age 44+, and team plays short two players  
Option #5 - No females on the field - game is subject to a forfeit, but encouraged to be played as a friendly match

Coed Leagues Only:  No slidetackles allowed. Complete Match Rules can be viewed HERE.


  • Informed Consent/Waiver - Please read through the entire BAASL Waiver/Informed Consent that you signed at registration. By signing this waiver, you agreed to immediately inform BAASL in writing to info@baasl.org or text to (510) 900-9559 if you become, have been, or suspect you will be diagnosed with COVID-19. The email subject line must include "COVID EXPOSURE ALERT." You also agreed to quarantine from all BAASL events for 2 weeks or until you have received a negative COVID test result.

  • BAASL’s updated rules and guidelines for COVID-19 prevention are available at COVID-19 Safety Plan for Re-Opening.

  • COVID proof of vaccination is optional and can be uploaded to your player profile.