San Pablo Rumrill Sports Complex
1509 Rumrill Blvd, San Pablo, California 94804
BAASL adheres to California Department of Public Health guidelines.
Read the latest from CADPH HERE
Snapshot of the latest guidance HERE
UPDATED: June 2022
Below are polices in effect for use of City facilities (San Pablo Rumrill Sports Park), and in compliance with Contra Costa County Health Department requirements.
COVID-19 Prevention Plan Summary: Requirements for Proof of Vaccination, Masks/Face Coverings, Social Distancing, Spectators, Contact Tracing, Entry/Exit Strategy, Hygiene and Sanitation and Informed Consent.
Proof of Vaccination. All players, referees, and other registered participants are required to submit Proof of Vaccination to BAASL for eligibility to participate. Download your COVID-19 Documentation at and upload to your Leagueapps Profile >> Dashboard >> Edit Profile >> COVID Vaccination Upload Button. Proof of Vaccination may also be emailed to and will be uploaded by league administration to players’ online Leagueapps player profiles. Spectators are exempt from this requirement and are permitted to attend activities at Rumrill fields and are strongly encouraged, but not required, to wear a mask.
Proof of Vaccination for being fully vaccinated includes the following:
COVID Vaccination record card issued by the Dept of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (“CDC”) or World Health Organization Yellow Card which includes the name of person vaccinated, type of vaccine provided and date last dose administered.
A photo of a vaccination record card as a separate document
A photo of a vaccination record card stored on a phone or electronic device
Documentation of COVID-19 Vaccination from a health care provider.
Digital record that includes a QR code that when scanned by a SMART Health Card reader displays to the reader client name, date of birth, vaccine dates and vaccine type; or
Fully vaccinated means:
It has been at least two weeks since a person has completed the entire recommended series of a COVID-19 vaccine, and
The person has provided proof of vaccination in a form consistent with the requirements for verification of vaccine status in the State of California’s July 26, 2021 Public Health Officer Order available at
“Fully vaccinated” may require proof of a booster once recommended by federal, state or local public health officials.
Masks/Face Coverings. REGISTERED PLAYERS AND REFEREES ARE NOT REQUIRED TO WEAR A MASK. Spectators are strongly encouraged, but not required, to wear masks/face coverings that comply with CADPH guidelines for use of face coverings.
Social Distancing. All participants are encouraged but not required to maintain social distancing whenever possible. All participants not engaged in league play, spectators, and coaches are advised to keep six (6) feet of physical distance (about 2 arm lengths) while on the sidelines.
Spectators. Spectators are ALLOWED to attend games. Spectators are not required to show proof of vaccination and are strongly encouraged, but not required, to wear masks/face coverings that comply with CADPH guidelines for use of face coverings.
Contact Tracing. BAASL league administrators are responsible for responding to COVID-19 concerns. BAASL league administrators will be responsible for all contact tracing if an attendee subsequently tests positive for COVID-19 within 48 hours after play with another team. Should a participant test positive within 48 hours after play with another team, players and teams will be notified in writing via email.
Entry/Exit Strategy for Reducing Contact (See Diagram Below)
Participants in the first hour of matches (first game of the night) will have a 10-minute window to clear the fields after their game ends.
Participants arriving for the second hour of matches (second/last game of the night) should enter the fields only when prior game participants have cleared the field.
Participants will be asked to minimize early arrivals between games and to avoid congregating in the parking lot or near the fields.
Hygiene and Sanitation Recommendations
Carry extra unused masks and 60% alcohol-based sanitizer to be used when not in play.
Provide supplies to disinfect the game ball and equipment between games.
Bring own equipment: gloves, balls, water bottles, pinnies, etc. and agree to limit shared equipment. Wipe off equipment with disinfectant wipes as often as possible.
Community water coolers not be encouraged between teams.
Intentional or reckless coughing, sneezing and spitting towards other players is a sanctionable offense, which may include yellow/red cards, suspension, or expulsion without a refund.
Traditional PVC cards (“player passes”) will no longer be used. All players must provide their roster to the referee using a paper roster or through an electronic copy via their cell phone.
Captains and players are encouraged to wash jerseys and pinnies after every game.
Informed Consent/Release of Liability
Participants agree as a condition of participation that if a player 1) has tested positive for COVID, 2) is waiting for test results and has symptoms or reason to believe they may have COVID, or 3) has had close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID or who has symptoms, they must not participate in any league games. Referees and league administrators will be given the authority to restrict participation based on confirmation of the above.
Participants agree to abide by rules from BAASL and the municipalities where the event is held. They will acknowledge in writing the assumption of risk to injury resulting from contact sports, including COVID exposure. They agree in writing to cooperate regarding recommendations. They agree to be subject to penalties and held liable for their conduct, their teammates’ conduct, and that of any prohibited guests.
Participants also agree by signing that they will immediately inform BAY AREA ADULT SOCCER LEAGUE in writing at or via text message to (510) 900 9559 if player becomes or has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or has a suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. The email subject line must include "COVID EXPOSURE ALERT." If player has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or has a suspected diagnosis of COVID-19, player agrees to quarantine from all BAY AREA ADULT SOCCER LEAGUE events for 2 weeks or until player has received a negative COVID test result.
Participants agree that he/she/they will not participate in games if they or a member of their household is experiencing any of the following symptoms: fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.
Participants agree that if they or a member of their household has tested positive for COVID-19, they will not resume participation until all of the following have occurred: 1) At least 24 hours have passed since a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medications; and 2) COVID-19 symptoms have improved; and 3) At least 10 days have passed since COVID-19 symptoms first appeared or the date of specimen collection of the positive COVID-19 test, whichever is later.
See complete Informed Consent document at which is required to be signed at the time of registration.